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Everybody Told Me It Would Happen


Everybody told me it would happen — but I had my doubts. Having had my share of life changing episodes, unexpected upheavals, and phenomenal opportunities, I found it hard to believe I had not seen, heard, and felt it all.

And, then, Sybil Blanche Weatherby arrived.

Sybil one week

I understand that life as I knew it will continue. The deadlines and challenges have not disappeared; but life as I knew it has also changed.

Not only am I Sage and Charlie’s mother (the best job I have ever had), now I am Sybil’s grandmother..her Tink…her Tinker Bell who will teach her the ins and outs of staying young at heart even though her hair will turn grey and her skin will wrinkle. Her namesake and great-grandmother mastered the art of a youthful spirit, and, now, it is my job to teach Sybil. Add to the mix the fact that my son-in-law loves having his mother-in-law around during this special time, and yours truly is grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

This magical mystery of life cannot be overstated. The pride I feel watching my daughter and her husband nurture and care for their little one is enough to make my heart burst with joy. I am truly smitten, and I can say that it has truly happened.

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