Is this how Georgia lawmakers trim the budget? All I heard in the last election was how Republicans and Tea Party candidates were against big government and were going to stop spending money…well, as usual, that was a bunch of baloney.
While school districts across the state are trying to figure out how to pay teachers, firing teachers, and raising local property taxes, these 35 state senators voted to create a job for a fellow senator who was turning out to be an embarrassment to everyone (including the governor) and pay him $150,000 for doing next to very little. That cushy salary is about three times what most veteran journalists employed by Georgia Public Broadcasting are paid for doing the same type work.
My state senator Josh McKoon voted for it and he will get an e-mail from me…it probably won’t do any good, but he will know how I feel about this incredibly wrong move made by the governor and the rest of the lawmakers who participated in the ploy.
If you want to read more about what the bimbos are doing under the Golden Dome, visit Better Georgia. And don’t get all ruffled because they mostly write about Republican lawmakers — that’s all that is up there in the ATL!!!
Don’t take this stuff without making some noise and don’t be confused by blind allegiance: this is wrong.