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My Son: Georgia’s Next Attorney General



I know I’m his mama, but…

…he’s got what it takes to be an excellent attorney general — ethics, experience, and a deep love for his home state. And regardless of one’s political affiliation, I imagine most folks believe that Georgia’s top cop needs to know the law and enforce it regardless of  what other elected officials might want him to do.

And Charlie doesn’t hesitate to stand up for that which he knows is right and just. He was just born that way.

And, of course, I could not be prouder.

Now his campaign is in full gear, and I’m learning quickly how important every single vote and contribution are.

After you read about Charlie, if you want a personal call from him, email me with your contact info,  and I’ll make sure that happens.

We’ll also welcome any campaign volunteers. There’s nothing more powerful than people working to get out the vote.

And if you are inspired to make a donation — and no donation is too small — here is my fundraising site.

We look forward to a busy, yet rewarding, seven months.

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