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Oops…There Goes that Another Tweet Again


In the process of becoming smarter than a 61-year-old woman oughta be (well, it’s almost April Fool’s), I am learning about the social media revolution and the “net generation” that is driving it (Netters are those born since 1978). The “new economy” is one that is digitally based and brimming with possibilities for savvy, enthusiastic entrepreneurs. The world of communication is wide open; therefore, the world is wide open.

The tsunami of citizen journalists, however, are learning a fundamental law in reporting: verify your sources. Just ask Spike Lee after his latest retweet-a-gaffe – which could have had a disastrous outcome. As I listened to the interview that the article linked above describes, I was struck by Mrs. McLain’s assertion that social media should have the same controls as other media. True, but impossible. To control social media, people’s hands, brains, mouths, and emotions would have to be controlled. Controlling what people say and do on social media is the same as controlling the gossip at the Garden Club, the barber shop, the corner bar, and Sunday School class. It ain’t gonna happen. Get used to it and be careful where you let your fingers do the walking and the talking.


If you’re a member of the Georgia House or Senate, YOU FAILED. Please read this report posted on Facebook by Chuck Williams of the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. Then call, e-mail, or text your representatives. What happened to the progressive state we had under governors like Carl Sanders and Roy Barnes?  Oh yes, now I remember. We elected Sonny Perdue and Nathan Deal.


(This has nothing to do with race: the guy was Caucasian).

Tyler on Jerry Springer:

“That ain’t cheatin’ darlin’: she’s my baby’s mama…”

So now you know: I take a break, eat a sandwich, and watch Jerry…so what?

You gotta laugh to live.

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