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Spring So Soon?…

Although “Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil told people to prepare for six more weeks of winter” on February 2, “groundhogs in at least five other states – West Virginia’s French Creek Freddie, Georgia’s Gen. Beauregard Lee, Michigan’s Woody the Woodchuck, Ohio’s Buckeye Chuck and New York’s Staten Island Chuck (full name: Charles G. Hogg) – did not see their shadows. Nor did Ontario’s Wiarton Willie or Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam.”

There is support in the scientific community for the five groundhogs on the opposite side of the aisle from Phil, as pointed out in an article written by John Roach  for National Geographic; he also noted there are those who vote for Phil. On the other hand, Caleb Weatherbee affirms the fact we have had a very mild winter, but he predicts in the The Farmers’ Almanac that everything is still up in the air. In other words, it ain’t over until it’s over – like most things (just ask Mitt Romney).

When we walk outside here in Georgia, however, it is Spring.

And down the road at Jenny Jack Farms, the crops, the chickens, and Barney, the  guard dog, (no chicks lost to a coyote in five years), agree that it is Spring.

 This past weekend, the Winter Market at Callaway Gardens kicked off, the red bud trees are blooming,

and the pond adjacent to the studio, which is fed by  underground springs, is full.

It’s true it could snow or sleet in March and Easter Sunday temps could be below freezing, but for now, it’s Spring.

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